My inspirations
The connection with nature was the entrance that transfers me to the world of massage. I lived in Chile when I was 23 years old, and it changed my life. I was navigating between work and studies, but with that feeling of being lost or feeling that I was missing something, without knowing exactly what. In the south of Chile I was lucky to be able to walk among mountains, forests and lakes. I entered into meditative states and became aware of the importance of acquiring another, slower rhythm in life. I try to put this rhythm, this peace, in my massages.
Several years ago I discovered Biodance. In Biodanza it does not matter the age or your gender, nor if you know how to dance, the important thing is to be able to express yourself without the need to speak. There is a link between this dance and Gestalt psychology. Biodance is part of the non-verbal therapies with massages. I recommend this discipline to anyone who needs to connect with themselves and with others, from joy. I recommend the SRT schools, which means Rolando Toro system, who is the creator of Biodance, Chilean like Claudio Naranjo.
The second profesional massage I received in my life awakened “the Kundalini”. This awakening was the result of chance, when a masseur friend gave me a back therapeutic massage. To explain briefly, I felt and saw a column of water and light with a propeller moving upwards and at the end, an energy of various colors. It was a decisive experience, which opened me to more sensitivity in life. I try to put that sensitivity into my massages.
I want to notify for me Kundalini experience was an holistic, therapeutic and spiritual experience. It had nothing relationned for me with a sexual experience, like some people said in other websites.
Trauma healing
I came to the world of massage a little by chance and a little by intuition. I quickly realized that it was helping me to heal traumas imprinted in my body, in my cellular memory. The experience was so relevant to me that I decided to learn the techniques and share them with as many people as possible.
Theater and interpretation
I have done several years of acting and theater before turning to massage.
Theater was a first step towards reconnecting with my body when we worked on body expression, among others.
This sector continues to be one of my passions, along with other disciplines of the artistic world, such as dancing, painting, singing, etc...
I got into psychology and the Gestalt school of thought when I was studying interpreting. I was very impressed by the Chilean Claudio Naranjo's theory. It was then that I discovered Californian massage, created by several people, among them Gestalt psychologists. I began to understand that everything was related, and that massage can be considered as a real help to heal both body and soul.
My values

As I have said elsewhere on the site, my values include Wellness, which literally means to make people “Be Well”. To put Wellness in my massages, is to create in a determined space-time an atmosphere of peace, serenity, tranquility, happiness, intimacy. Intimacy in the sense of creating a space where you can feel safe and confident, respecting your privacy and uniqueness.
And that happens through all the intention, through all the care put in every action, and in every detail at Flor de Agua. With the massages, but also with what happens before and after each session, as well as the quality of the information, the environment, the creams used, etc...
Authenticity, Honesty
Authenticity and honesty should be basic values in any profession. I respect these values by making the person who comes to receive a service with me, I do not seek to sell him something else, or products, or pressure him to come more than what he would really need, etc. ... In fact you can not recommend exactly a frequency to receive massages. It depends on each person, each body.
Authenticity will also be present when I say “I don't know”. Today in certain jobs it is taboo, you can't say you don't know, they even push you to lie because saying “I don't know” is seen as a weakness, a mistake, something bad. I believe in the opposite, sometimes recognizing that one does not know is wisdom, even in the professional field. And it leaves us the space to grow, to evolve, to learn.
That's what I try to do in my day to day. Learn more. From that value of authenticity if I am asked something I don't know, for example a type of massage that does not appear on the website, I will have no problem in saying “I don't know”. The world of massages is big, and on top of that I like to be interested and specialize in some, it may be that there are others that I am not so interested in. But whenever I can, I will recommend the specialists I know, if I can't do what a person asks me to do.
I also want to emphasize that I am a masseuse, I have no pretension to be a doctor or a psychologist, I do not replace them. That is to say, what I do is to accompany and help people in their therapeutic and spiritual path in my own way, through therapeutic massages, wellness, and an holistic approach.
Grow and Evolve
It is a very important value for me, because I believe that in any profession, when you are really passionate about your work, you like to be interested in everything that is being done around you. Not with a competitive or competition focus, not to copy either, but out of intellectual curiosity. For example, to see what are the latest writings on massage, or the latest studies on skin and emotions, to be interested in other psychologists, therapists, to see what they have written.
Also to open up the field of possibilities. I love giving massages, and I also love Biodanza, so I love gestalt psychology, so I will see what trainings I can do in the future. First to learn, and then to be able to give, to share with others. The world of Wellness is exciting and there are thousands of possible trainings.
Doy la bienvenida a todos: cuerpos, sexos y edades diferentes, para mí es algo muy importante. Me adapto a todos los cuerpos, y si decidí dedicar mi vida al sector del Bienestar, como lo dice su nombre, es para hacerse sentirse bien a la gente, para que “Estén Bien”. Y con eso me alejo de todas las modas que relacionen mucho los masajes con lo de rejuvenecer. Por supuesto que los masajes, como el deporte, comer sano y dormir lo suficiente son herramientas que nos ayudan a mantenernos sanos y jóvenes. Por supuesto que ayuda a la piel a ser más bonita y tonificada por el tacto y los movimientos largos. Pero estoy en contra de la obsesión por el físico, de la juventud eterna o del diktat superficial de unas características para ser considerado como bello / bella.
Mi creencia es que todos lo somos y que más que todo hay que preocuparse del interior primero, del alma para brillar al exterior. Aceptarse al natural. Las mujeres en particular lo tenemos muy difícil con esos diktats, y lo triste es que en vez de disfrutar realmente de los cuidados del cuerpo y de sus beneficios terapéuticos, se pueden transformar en una obsesión del físico! Me permito hablarlo porque he pasado por esto, y se a que punto eso me hizo infeliz y me alejaba de lo importante en la vida. Entonces insisto, todos los cuerpos son bienvenidos sin juicios con mis masajes!
Dicho esto, si una persona tiene un estado físico con una particularidad es importante notificármelo para poder dar el masaje apropiado : por ejemplo en caso d' embarazo, de lesión, etc.
Ambientación, decoración, arte, luces, cremas y música : mis valores van en el sentido que quiero cuidar lo más que se pueda todos esos detalles y que sean de calidad.
Trust and Privacy
Once the person is face down on the stretcher, with the sheets over them, that person offers me their trust and vulnerability. Apart from the music, there are no words between us. Even so, a corporal communication is born with the massage: to put a simple intention from humility, of affection, of almost maternal love, of unconditional and universal love which is what all living beings need at birth and then, to put that intention throughout the massage is very important, it will help the person receiving the massage to relax and to feel the massage.
As a masseuse therapist, I am of course committed to respect each person receiving the massage, to touch the body in a professional way, and to make the person feel comfortable throughout the session. The person can communicate to me any blockages they have.