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What are Flor de Agua massages for?

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Unlocking emotions

Flor de Agua massages are for everyone, but they are especially designed and focused on women who need to release and let go of emotions stored at the body level.


Professional massages at Flor de Agua can help with emotional blockages: sometimes we need to surrender, accept emotions, and let them flow. Often, we run away from what is unpleasant, and that’s normal because as humans, we seek pleasure.


But sometimes, if we refuse to accept our emotions for too long, they accumulate and can even cause illnesses in certain cases. Massage can help to recognize, accept, and release them.

Recover from fatigue, relief from work-related stress

Massages help recover from general fatigue and allow for a quicker recovery of the body. They tone and energize the body, and people start noticing the difference when they return for massage sessions several times a month.


This toning effect is achieved through work on blood circulation. This also aids in fat reduction, leading to more luminous and firm skin in the long term.

Helps improve self-esteem, internal and external confidence

Receiving a massage is a learning experience that strengthens the feeling of inner security and self-confidence, helping to improve self-esteem. As a woman, it has often been difficult for me to have confidence in myself; massages helped me improve the perception I had of my body and myself. Now, I try to help other women in the same way.

It also teaches us to let go, to trust another person, and to explore the human connection from a perspective other than the mental one.

Development of Touch

Developing the sense of touch: I think more about men regarding this topic. Sometimes society imposes that they be less sensitive from childhood. Or is it biological? There are debates on this, and I don't have the answer, but the point remains the same: many times men have their sense of touch and emotions more blocked than women.


This is often because, in the collective unconscious, these things are associated with femininity, or the pleasure of touch is automatically linked to something sexual. Of course, that's not the case, and for men, sex is often tied to something competitive—there’s pressure to be the best, etc. There is a lot of social pressure.

So, this is also a learning experience for men, helping them recognize their bodies in a new way, and once they do, they will discover touch from a different perspective. This will likely help them be more attentive in intimate relationships, with more accurate and pleasurable sensations.

Listening to and recognizing one's body is healing.

I work only with men who can respect and understand my work : it is not in any case an erotic massage or tantric massage. It is an emotional, therapeutic and spiritual massage who can connect you with your sensitivity.

Energy Rebalancing

We are all energy. Sometimes, an imbalance in the vital energy centers, known as chakras in Sanskrit, can affect our daily lives, for example, in relationships and communication with others.

Chakras influence us on the mental, emotional, and physical levels.

If you want to work specifically with that, I recommend you to try the Energías Massage.

Helps with depressive states, loneliness

Massages can help people with difficulties related to depressive states and loneliness. However, it is very important to seek mental health professionals when facing these types of issues.

Massages help because they release two happiness hormones in the body: dopamine and serotonin. The brain then perceives the massage as a big hug, where one can feel safe and protected.

Helps with trauma healing

Massages can aid in the healing of trauma. It is very important to consult with psychologists and doctors as needed depending on the case. Massages are complementary.

In my personal case, I know I came into the world of massages at a key moment in my life. I had traumas I had already discussed with psychologists. The therapy I had undergone was quite effective. But I still felt like something was missing, without knowing exactly what. I found it through massages.


From the first ones I received, I felt that this time something more than just the mind was being freed—the body and emotions also began to heal. From this experience, I have wanted to share it and help others.

Helps with sleep disorders

In Flor de Agua massages, there is a deep relaxation felt during and after the massage. This relaxation helps lower levels of anxiety and stress.

If the person comes regularly, from once a week to once a month depending on the individual, it can significantly help reduce sleep disorders.

Dreams and the dream world, connecting with your intuition and unconscious part

In a massage session, it is possible to move from a conscious to a semi-conscious state. Sometimes, the person receiving the massage experiences a sort of lucid dream.

These, like a doorway to the unconscious, can allow a person to better understand their life. A few days later, they provide new perspectives on life, and for some, even inspire decisions to make changes they never would have considered before.

Flor de Agua

Massages and Wellness

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